Monday, October 29, 2012

Menu Plan Monday Oct 29

I did well sticking to my meal plan but I went to the store twice last week. The second time was just for fun to attend a "keeping it local" event. There were a lot of free samples and good deals so we ended up buying a few things.

C hasn't always been a big fan but he was loving fish last week! I hid some salmon in his rice and he ate it. Then when we had breaded tilapia he loved it! He was chowing down on big pieces. I was surprised that he didn't like the pumpkin soup at all! He has always loved every type of squash I've ever offered.

Grilled Tuna Sandwiches, Sweet Potato Fries, Apple Cobbler Dessert

Chicken Pot Pie Casserole*, Green Salad, Orange Slices


Sweet and Spicy Citrus Tilapia, String Beans, Brown Rice

Bean and Cheese Quesadilla, Lettuce/Tomato/Homemade Salsa, Pineapple

Whole Wheat Beef Stroganoff, Broccoli/Cauliflower

Breakfast for dinner! Pancakes, Eggs, Texas Grapefruit, OJ

This week I'm using up leftovers and keeping it simple. All recipes I've planned have been tried in the past.

Lately I've been using plain greek yogurt to make tuna salad. It tastes the same to me and greek yogurt is a healthy alternative to mayo. Give this substitute a try to get more calcium and a boost of probiotics.

*I don't use a recipe for my chicken pot pie casserole but I've linked one that is similar. I basically use up veggies I have in the fridge and throw in a few frozen. I usually saute some onions, garlic and bell peppers. I mix the veggies with a cream of something soup and cooked chicken. Top with biscuits and bake. I should experiment with making my own topping but haven't yet. It's great as a leftover.  

Next week I will not be posting a menu plan because my husband is heading to Atlanta for a conference and I'm heading to Nevada to hang out/help out my mom for a week. My mom is currently undergoing chemotherapy for cancer. She is doing pretty well but of course is not feeling very well and doesn't have much of an appetite. Hoping to be able to cook her up some good meals and treats! If you have suggestions for good freezer meals or such for cancer patients send them my way! I'd love to leave her with a stash.

I'm hoping to write up a nutrition/healthy living post later this week so stay tuned! :)

Remember to check out Menu Plan Monday at I'm an Organized Junkie for more menu planning inspiration.

1 comment:

  1. I'm visiting from Organized Junkie’s Menu Plan Monday today.
    My faithful waffle maker of 16 years died last night! It was a wedding gift so I think that's why my husband and I are upset. Now it's time to shop for another one that will last another 16 years!
    Looks like there’s going to be some amazing meals this week. I hope your mother continues to feel better and regain her appetite.
    Happy Halloween!
