Monday, October 22, 2012

Moving More For the Fun of It

I love the fall. I love the feeling of change in the air. Maybe the change is the autumn air has wrought a little change in me! Lately I have started jogging along a bike trail near my house. It follows a little stream. I've discovered there's something energizing about turning off the noise and jogging with nothing but the crunchy autumn leaves, the rushing of a nearby stream, my thoughts and the occasional oohs and ahhs of a toddler. My cute little sidekick occasionally peaks back at me from the jogging stroller to say, "Hiiiii." He's my little cheerleader.

Exercise and I have had a pretty good relationship the past few months. However, our relationship has been pretty rocky, off and on for about 5 years or so. But I think I've learned a few things about myself and how to make this relationship thrive.

I know some people think they have never had a loving relationship with exercise. I'm of the opinion it's something we are born with but some of us lose it after a while. Just spend a little time around a toddler and you will see that they love being active and exploring the world. Kids don't call it exercise. They call it fun!

When was the last time you thought exercise was fun?

I grew up in a small town. Sports was what i did for fun! I participated in sports growing up and did a sport every season in high school. I loved it! Then college came. I got busy with studying, working and social life. I exercised occasionally. But like I said before... off and on....not very consistent.

By the time I finished school, I was married. He got a job. I did a 10 month post-grad internship to become a registered dietitian. This internship was basically working full time (40 hours/wk but you don't get paid you actually pay tuition) and having a lot of homework/projects to complete when you get home. SO it was busy. And I was pregnant. So exercise and I took a break. Other than walking (eventually waddling) the hospital floors and stairs we didn't bother seeing each other. Then I had a baby. The first year was rough. Mostly due to lack of sleep. I was in survival mode. But a refreshing walk or occasional attempt at jogging reunited me and my old friend occasionally.

A few months ago I decided to join a gym just 30 seconds down the street. Not your traditional gym. It's more of a set of classes you can pick and chose what to attend. The classes are 98% women. And the options sounded exciting: yoga, kickboxing, zumba, etc. I started attending with no purpose other than to get a break from mommyhood. My first class was yoga. I remember driving those 30 seconds home and thinking, "Wow, I feel really good!" (don't make fun of me for driving... it's an industrial/creepy/not good lighting area) Then I got up at 5:45 am to try kickboxing. That is early in case you didn't know. But it turned out to be really fun and really addicting. I was enjoying myself! I have tried a lot of different classes. Some I love more than others. I've started playing volleyball and basketball a couple days a week with women I met through church groups. I feel so lucky to have a so many options for exercise and to have a supportive husband who provides free babysitting doesn't mind a turn watching our crazy child.

I've learned a few things about myself these past few months. I love being active. I need that time to feel like me again. I thrive with a routine that is flexible and diverse. I don't enjoy doing the same thing everyday. I really love the social aspect of exercising.

So what can you do to find that inner child? Find what motivates you. I don't think my recipe is successful for everyone. Some personalities thrive with a consistent routine or working towards and focusing on a certain goal. If you've only ever tried running and you absolutely hate it, then try biking or a local aerobics or yoga class. Libraries often have many workout dvds available to check out for free! Enlist a friend or spouse to help you discover new activities. Be brave! Branch out! Learn ways to move for the fun of it. Share your ideas in the comments below!


  1. I love your blog! It's so true, when you see children, they are usually dancing, skipping, twirling around, so full of life! I need to be more active and enjoyed your exercise tips!

    1. Thanks for your comment Peri! Glad you are liking the blog! I think we can all learn a lot from children!
